Cristina’s Wellbeing Chiropractic is committed to equality of opportunity for all and to removing barriers to equal opportunity. Cristina’s Wellbeing Chiropractic fully recognises and accepts its responsibility to ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of a person’s gender, marital status, race, religion, colour, age, disability or sexual orientation.

All individuals will be treated fairly and equally, and all relevant legislation will be complied with, in the provision of its services, and in arrangements for access to facilities and information.

Cristina’s Wellbeing Chiropractic will ensure that:

  • All staff are trained to provide an appropriate and informed response to all customers without unlawful discrimination. Recruitment and selection methods are free from bias and applied fairly. Any complaints of discrimination are dealt with speedily and fairly.
  • Confidentiality of information is maintained at all times Cristina’s Wellbeing Chiropractic will also endeavour to provide suitable interpreting services where appropriate, and will ensure that buildings are accessible to all wherever possible or that a suitable alternative is provided.

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly or suffered harassment because of your gender, marital status, race, religion, colour, age, disability or sexual orientation, you should report this without fail to Cristina Carrasco Chaves (Principal Chiropractor and Clinical Director)

Any such complaints will be fully investigated as speedily as possible, and you will be kept advised of action taken.